The Power that made
Heals the body!
Healthy Hair Tips
There are a variety of possible reasons for hair loss, which include hydration, genetics, hormonal imbalances, and physical trauma to the scalp and hair such as traction alopecia. Some other contributors include emotional trauma, stress, heat damage, chemical damage and damage from tension, hair glue and a lack of nutrients in your diet. If you don’t get the right vitamins and minerals from what you eat, your scalp can’t support healthy hair follicles. As a result, your hair may start to thin or change texture.
Your diet plays a BIG part in the health of your hair. Your hair grows from the inside out, therefore when you nourish your body you nourish your hair. Eating healthy food promotes hair regrowth and improves strength and shine. Drinking plenty of H3O2 daily helps to moisturize your hair shaft. When you get the nutrients you need, you can enjoy thicker, fuller, longer and shiner hair. Reducing stress in your personal and professional life can reduce the effects of hair loss. Practicing the art of mindfulness and setting your intention on healthy hair can improve your hair health. The power of positive affirmation can increase your faith and with faith the miraculous can happen.
What Nutrients Help Hair Growth?
Iron - Having an iron deficiency may lead to anemia and in turn hair loss. A lack of iron hinders the production of hemoglobin - which is needed for new hair growth.
Zinc can be used to control the hair follicle's oil generation and can be used to stimulate the reproduction process of cells, which can lead to more efficient hair growth.
Vitamin A
Vitamin A
Vitamin A can be found in many fruits and vegetables. This vitamin is essential to the creation of sebum, an oil that keeps your hair healthy and moisturized.
Vitamin B
Vitamin B
Vitamin B contribution to the production of red blood cells is crucial to hair growth. More red blood cells means that more oxygen can be transported to the hair follicle.
Vitamin C
Vitamin C
Vitamin C is also important to the production of sebum, the oil that keeps your hair moisturized. Vitamin C is also important to the creation of collagen. Collagen is the protein that is responsible for so many things in your hair. From being at the basis for moisturizing both your hair and scalp to strengthening hair.
Vitamin E
Vitamin E
Vitamin E can also relieve oxidative stress on your scalp due to the antioxidant nature.d. Vitamin C is also important to the creation of collagen. Collagen is the protein that is responsible for so many things in your hair. From being at the basis for moisturizing both your hair and scalp to strengthening hair.
Can You Really Manifest Healthy Hair Growth?
1. Sign up for our Hair Analysis Consultation
2 Stop all negative thoughts about yourself and your hair
3. Speak Life into your scalp, hair, cells and follicles
4. Visualize your hair growth and restoration for best results
5. Use Crown of Glory products to stimulate hair growth
10 powerful daily hair growth affirmations to help you manifest healthy and vibrant hair
"My hair is a reflection of my inner health and well-being."
I am the source of my hair's strength and vitality."
"Every strand of my hair is nourished and healthy."
"My hair has all the nutrients for healthy growth
"My hair grows abundantly with every passing day."
"I radiate confidence with my beautiful, growing hair."
"I provide my hair with the care and attention it deserves."
"I am patient and trust the growth process of my hair."
"I release any stress or tension that hinders my hair's growth."
"I am grateful for my hair's strength and my growth journey."